Hope you guys have good holydays/new year. ^^
For now I might not able to bring new pieces for a while because I found myself on the need to starting up practicing on a new software ( for now SAI, Krita or CSP). I will post my test here but those might be more slow than usual. I keep you guys updated.
I do wish to focus a bit more here on DA but sadly most of my current material is not fit for here.
Also I did reach Deviantart for 11 years and 6 years here. I wish I could grasp of how much this help or not.
nevertheless, thanks for your attention.
Hello folks, Tisinrei here with a major update; I am creating a patreon tipjar, any contribution is welcomed and none of the pieces that I, eventually show there, will not be paywall in any capacity.
Support me here: https://patreon.com/Tisinrei , every bit does help me keep producing good material for you all. And in future working on doing Poll for next future works and suggestions ( if possible).